Warneet Fishing Club

Blind Bight Community Centre

Tooradin Primary School
Tooradin Dalmore Netball Club

Koo Wee Rup Bowling Club

Tooradin & District Kindergarten
Tides Bar and Grill are proud to be a part of this small country community known as Tooradin in Victoria. A community that relies on each other, our business is proud to support our local sporting, education and community groups wherever possible. Each sponsorship is given with heartfelt pleasure in an effort to strengthen bonds and help create a caring supportive environment for local residents and visitors to this beautiful part of the world. In addition Tides prefers to use local suppliers of the highest standard and are proud of the high quality produce provided. Wherever possible we choose to use local tradespeople when required and we strongly support ALL business within the Tooradin Community. When all business does well, our whole town benefits through employment, service and high standard products.

Drought Relief Appeal 2018

Inner Wheel Club of Cranbourne
Tooradin Dalmore Netball Club
Clyde / Cardinia Fire Brigade

Tooradin Primary School
Blind Bight Boat Owners
Priceline Sisterhood